City of Glen Cove
Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan with Sustainability Elements
Why is the City updating its Comprehensive Plan?
A comprehensive plan is an official, long-range planning document that provides policy guidance for future growth, development, land use, infrastructure, and services.
Glen Cove's Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2009. Many municipalities try to update their comprehensive plan every 10 years to ensure the plan reflects current demographics, planning efforts, and development context. (New York State recommends that municipalities update their comprehensive plans on a regular basis, to identify changes and trends that the community is undergoing, as well as develop a shared vision and path for the future of the community.)
Glen Cove has received a Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning NYS Department of State grant and Climate Smart Communities NYS Department of Environmental Conservation grant for this project. The City of Glen Cove is updating its Comprehensive Plan to incorporate Smart Growth and Sustainability Elements.
Sustainability Elements will:
Address alternative modes of transportation (including strategies for bicycles, pedestrians, public transit, and electric vehicles)
Promote smart growth principles in land-use policies
Conserve natural areas (including strategies to designate open space and protect it from development)
Promote a healthy and safe community
Foster equity (including strategies for housing, schools, transportation, recreation, food, and environmental exposures)
Protect drinking water sources from pollution.
​​​Vision and Goals
A Comprehensive Plan states where a community has been, where it is now, and where it wants to go, setting goals and recommended actions to ensure orderly growth.
The Comprehensive Plan Vision will be developed by the Core Working Group (CWG), the Comprehensive Planning Committee (CPC), and the public during outreach events and other participation opportunities throughout the process. The Goals follow from the Vision, expressing broad objectives that the plan should achieve.
​​Proposed Outline
Chapter 1: History and Regional Context
Chapter 2: Demographics and Housing
Chapter 3: Land Use and Zoning
Chapter 4: Transportation and Parking
Chapter 5: Downtown and Economic Development
Chapter 6: Natural Resources, Climate Change and Resilience
Chapter 7: Infrastructure and Utilities
Chapter 8: Community Facilities
Chapter 9: Future Land Use Plan and Implementation

​​​Who is involved in the Comprehensive Plan process?
Core Working Group (CWG)
Comprehensive Planning Committee (CPC)
City Council
City Staff
Glen Cove Community Development Agency (CDA) Staff
Local residents; civic, environmental, and community-based organizations; business owners; property owners; and other City of Glen Cove stakeholders
Consultant Team
BFJ Planning (lead consultant)
Urbanomics (subconsultant - market analysis)
MatrixNewWorld (subconsultant - sustainability)
CSA Group (subconsultant - infrastructure and utilities)
KB Engineering (subconsultant - community facilities)
This website was prepared with funding provided by the New York State Department of State Environmental Protection Fund via its Smart Growth Program.
This project has been funded in part by the Climate Smart Communities Grant Program, Title 15 of the Environmental Protection Fund through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.